“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice”
— Anton Chekhov —

STUDIO | LEGALE was founded in 2009 and is a young and dynamic law firm with a single objective: to assist you quickly and pragmatically in your legal affairs.

STUDIO | LEGALE is a legal ONE STOP SHOP, with various specialists under the same roof. Contrary to the current trend towards more niche law firms, STUDIO | LEGALE tries to be a FULL SERVICE law firm. You would want a confidential adviser for all your problems. Moreover, most problems extend over several legal domains.

STUDIO | LEGALE offers you a trustworthy lawyer of your choice who will be assisted by the other specialists of the firm, if necessary. This way, you do not have to meet and build a trustworthy relationship with new lawyers for each of your legal problems. We take care of all that.

At STUDIO | LEGALE there are currently 16 lawyers and 4 administrative staff at your disposal.

You can find us in Antwerp and in Brussels, at both locations near the palace of justice.

STUDIO | LEGALE represents very diverse clients: private individuals, SMEs, real estate giants and multinationals. Our office also assists governments, autonomous municipal enterprises, water companies and investment firms.

We have no doubt that we can help you.

Christian CLEMENT

Christian Clement ist Mitbegründer und Partner von STUDIO | LEGALE Rechtsanwälte, wo er die STUDIO | PENALE Strafrechtsanwälte leitet.

Herr Clement ist Mitglied des ‘Criminal Law Committee of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe’ (CCBE). Er ist außerdem Mitglied des ‘Gemengde Commisie Rechtsbijstand’ (GCR) des Ordens der flämischen Anwaltskammern und war dort viele Jahre lang Mitglied des Strafrechtskomitees.

Herr Clement verfügt über ein Zertifikat für eine spezielle Ausbildung in Kassationsverfahren in Strafsachen und ist Supralat-Ausbilder für die Unterstützung bei polizeilicher Festnahme und polizeilichen Vernehmungen.

Er hat zahlreiche Geschworenengerichtsverfahren im Namen von Straftätern sowie von Opfern und ihren Familien geführt.

Er spricht fließend Niederländisch, Französisch und Englisch.


Koen De Backer erreichte 2017 mit Auszeichnung seine Master in Jura an der Universität Antwerpen (UA). Er kombinierte diese Studie als Werkstudent mit seiner Position als Sekretär der Staatsanwaltschaft am Berufungsgericht Antwerpen, wo er arbeitete als Leiter der administrativen Unterstützungszelle des Generalstaatsanwalts in Antwerpen. Aufgrund seiner 11-jährigen Tätigkeit bei der Staatsanwaltschaft, wo er die Entwicklungen im Bereich des Strafprozessrechts und des Strafrechts tagtäglich genau verfolgte, entwickelte er besondere Fachkenntnisse auf diesem Gebiet. Am 1. September 2017 vollzog er den Übergang von der Staatsanwaltschaft zur Anwaltschaft, wo er hauptsächlich Fälle im Straf- und Strafprozessrecht bearbeitet. Er besitzt ein Zertifikat über eine spezielle Ausbildung im Kassationsverfahren in Strafsachen und hat den Supralat-Schulungskurs über die Hilfeleistung bei polizeilicher Festnahme und polizeilicher Vernehmung absolviert. Er ist auch Autor verschiedener wissenschaftlicher Publikationen.

Er spricht und schreibt fließend Niederländisch, Französisch und Englisch.


Lauren Raeymakers erwarb im Juni 2022 ihren Master of Laws Cum Laude an der Universität Antwerpen (UA). Während ihres Studiums entwickelte sie ein besonderes Interesse am Straf(prozess)recht und am Arbeitsrecht. Sie schrieb ihre Masterarbeit über die Dekriminalisierung des Schwangerschaftsabbruches.

Im September 2022 legte sie ihren Eid bei der Antwerpener Anwaltskammer ab und trat Sie dem Team von
STUDIO | LEGALE Advocaten bei, wo sie das Team von STUDIO | PENALE Strafrechtsanwälte verstärken wird.

RA Raeymakers wird sich während ihres Praktikums weiter in das Straf- und Strafprozessrecht vertiefen.

Sie spricht und schreibt fließend Niederländisch, Französisch und Englisch.


Nathan Van Kersavond erwarb 2023 an der Karel de Grote Hochschule in Antwerpen seinen Bachelor-Abschluss in Rechtspraxis mit Auszeichnung.

Seine Bachelorarbeit befasste sich mit dem Thema unrechtmäßig erlangte Beweise in Strafsachen. Während seines Abschlussjahres absolvierte er ein zehnwöchiges Praktikum bei STUDIO | LEGALE Rechtsanwälte.

Seit September 2023 unterstützt Nathan die Strafrechtler von STUDIO | PENALE Strafverteidiger im Rahmen des Hauptauftrags der Kanzlei. Zusätzlich zu seiner Arbeit bei STUDIO | PENALE absolviert er das Master of Laws-Brückenprogramm an der Freien Universität Brüssel.

Er spricht fließend Niederländisch, Französisch und Englisch.


Arnaud Louwette schloss sein Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der KU Leuven im Jahr 2023 mit Auszeichnung ab. Während seines Studiums entwickelte er ein besonderes Interesse für das Straf- und Strafprozessrecht. Als Höhepunkt seines Jurastudiums schrieb er eine besonders geschmackvolle Arbeit über Nichtigkeiten im Strafverfahren.

Arnaud ist sehr engagiert und setzt sich für jeden Fall voll ein. Diese Leidenschaft zeigte sich bereits in seiner Studienzeit, in der er mehrere Praktika beim Untersuchungsrichter und bei der Staatsanwaltschaft in Brüssel absolvierte.

Nach Abschluss seines Studiums trat Arnaud in die Antwerpener Anwaltschaft ein, wo er sein Referendariat unter der Schirmherrschaft von Herr Christian Clement begann. Er ist daher hauptsächlich in den Bereichen Strafrecht, Strafverfahren und Verkehrsrecht tätig. Er berät Verdächtige, Angeklagte, Verurteilte und Opfer sowohl auf Französisch als auch auf Niederländisch.


From SMEs to flourishing multinationals: we can assist you at crucial times as well as during the daily running of your enterprise. We provide advice to starting entrepreneurs as well as assistance to established enterprises during their further growth. Our team has comprehensive expertise in drawing up a wide variety of commercial contracts and can further assist you with all possible negotiations and legal proceedings that you might be confronted with when ‘running a business’.

  • purchase-sale;
  •  (commercial) lease;
  • collection of invoices;
  • general terms and conditions;
  • business practices;
  • unfair competition;
  • consumer protection;
  • competition law;
  • joint venture agreements;
  • consultancy contracts;
  • leasing;
  • distribution activities: franchising, concessions, commission, agency;
  • non-competition clauses;
  • new technologies and economies.

We can assist you from A to Z. Questions concerning choosing a type of company? Need assistance during the foundation stages? Do you require legal certainty during restructuring or an audit? Are you poised to take over a business? We can help.

  • articles of association;
  • shareholder agreements
  • management agreements;
  • employee participation;
  • conflicts between shareholders;
  • share option schemes;
  • M&A: takeovers, mergers, restructuring;
  • share transfers, transfers of assets/ trading enterprises;
  • legal due diligence;
  • letters of intent;
  • directors‘ and officers‘ liability;
  • assistance during judicial or police investigations;
  • responsibility under criminal law;
  • compliance

Entrepreneurs and/or enterprises that are in difficulty can also rely on our assistance.

  • judicial reorganisation procedure (governed by the Belgian Continuity of Enterprises Act);
  • assistance during investigations by the Companies Investigation Division;
  • transfer of enterprises under judicial authority;
  • objection or appeal against a bankruptcy or liquidation order;
  • liquidation: receivers‘ department;
  • pecuniary claim returns;
  • conflicts with a debtor under the Belgian Continuity of Enterprises Act.

Protection of your intellectual property is of great importance for modern enterprises.

  • trademarks and trade names;
  • copyright;
  • media law;
  • drawings and designs;
  • patents.

We provide you with assistance and advice during administrative proceedings.

  • proceedings before the Council of State;
  • administrative proceedings;
  • expropriation;
  • vacant property and/or dilapidation;
  • weapons legislation.

We offer specialised preventative advice and assistance on this complex and constantly changing issue, for companies, authorities and private individuals, as well as during disputes concerning among others:

  • granting of permits – Flemish Code on Spatial Planning (VCRO), municipal building regulations and building codes (obligation to have a permit, exemptions, reports, urban planning permits and land division permits, currently referred to as the integrated environmental permit);
  • enforcement (breaches of urban planning, nuisance, financial penalties, prosecution) ;
  • spatial planning (municipal and provincial spatial implementation plans, BPAs, etc…).

We offer specialised preventative advice and assistance on this complex and constantly changing issue, for companies, authorities and private individuals, as well as during disputes concerning among others:

  • granting of permits – Flemish Code on Spatial Planning (VCRO), municipal building regulations and building codes (obligation to have a permit, exemptions, reports, urban planning permits and land division permits, currently referred to as the integrated environmental permit);
  • enforcement (breaches of urban planning, nuisance, financial penalties, prosecution) ;
  • spatial planning (municipal and provincial spatial implementation plans, BPAs, etc…).

We can help you with all your queries related to immovable property.

  • purchase-sale;
  • housing rent;
  • general rent;
  • retail rent (lease renewal, rent review, higher bid from a third party);
  • pop-up rent;
  • collection of overdue rent;
  • licence to occupy;
  • usufruct;
  • right of superficies;
  • right of leasehold;
  • declarations of unfitness for habitation;
  • (apartment) co-ownership;
  • association of co-owners;
  • administrator;
  • immovable property attachment proceedings.

Whether you are the offender or the victim, a customised defence and approach will be provided. In addition to general Criminal Law, our specialists can assist you with the following:

European Arrest Warrant (EAW) and extradition;

interview by the Police and Investigating Judge (Salduzassistance);

pre-trial detention (your defence before the Court in Chambers and Indictment Division);

lodging a complaint (if necessary with appointment of an Investigating Judge who must investigate the offence independently);

  • out of court settlement;
  • attachment procedures under Criminal Law
  • execution of a sentence (sentence enforcement court) execution investigations (Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement);
  • anti-money laundering legislation;
  • financial- economic Criminal Law;
  • bankruptcy offences;
  • liability under the Criminal Law on the part of legal entities;
  • customs files.

If you or one of your loved ones and/or your company is the victim or a suspect in an offence committed abroad, or arrested in another country, we have an excellent network of foreign criminal law experts available to help.


Caught on camera while speeding? Wrongly issued a fine that you wish to dispute? Were you involved in a traffic accident and your insurance is threatening you with a contribution claim? Our Traffic Law specialists can provide you with accurate advice and assist you before the police court.

  • Criminal Law defence before the police court;
  • defence against contribution claims;
  • Section 29a Motor Insurance Liability Act: vulnerable road user;
  • Section 67b Road Traffic Regulations: identification of the driver;
  • speeding offence;
  • alcohol intoxication and drunkenness.

Everyone is confronted with liability issues at one time or another. One concept is key in this very broad area of law: damage. Those who suffer damage in the broadest sense of the word will search for the responsible party to acquire compensation. Our specialists will search with you.

  • damage resulting from general accidents;
  • accidents at work;
  • claims for damage estimates (indicative table);
  • medical errors: procedure before the Fund for Medical Accidents;
  • liability for children, animals, property, employees;
  • all Construction Site Risks (CAR policy);
  • ten-year liability.

We help you to enter into the right policy and with adressing the right insurer. We are active throughout the insurance world.

  • voidness of a policy;
  • cover disputes and recourse;
  • ire and theft insurance;
  • civil liability operation;
  • loss assessment.

We can correctly and efficiently assist you in this branch of law, which often involves far-reaching financial consequences.

  • asset planning;
  • Law of Inheritance;
  • settlement and division after divorce;
  • marriage contracts;
  • settlement and division after death;
  • donations and manual gifts;
  • last will and testament and the division of an estate;
  • succession planning;
  • trusts, foundations and trust offices.

We offer legal and practical advice for all your legal employment problems. We can also draw up and provide assistance for contracts for self-employed persons, management positions, management companies, and such.

  • drawing up employment contracts;
  • (instant) dismissal;
  • amendment of the terms and conditions of employment;
  • car policy;
  • alternative remuneration;
  • non-competition clause;
  • impact of new technologies;
  • accidents at work and occupational diseases;
  • the social status of self-employed persons;
  • conflict with the National Social Security Office.

Our office deals firmly with defaulters. We handle the matter for you, from the first demand for payment until compulsory enforcement. Our extensive experience and quick action will considerably increase your chances of a positive result.

  • debtor’s solvency investigation;
  • demands;
  • summons;
  • collection of Undisputed Monetary Debts;
  • attachment before judgment;
  • attachment in execution (immovable property);
  • debt management arrangement;
  • Insolvency Law;
  • debt monitoring;
  • specialised software system;
  • dealing with disputed claims;
  • specialised collection (rent, storage spaces, loans, bank debts…).

Acquiring a judgment is by no means the end of proceedings. The most important aspect must still be completed: cashing in on the granted claim. Our office is very familiar with the execution stage.

  • attachment before judgment;
  • attachment in execution;
  • attachment by garnishment;
  • seizure of bank account;
  • challenging attachment.

There are strict rules with regard to the sale of products and services by professional sellers to consumers. We would be pleased to defend you if you encounter problems following the purchase of a product or service.

  • non-conforming delivery;
  • guarantee-related problems;
  • misleading advertising.

Mediation is on the rise. Since the Act of 18 June 2018, the judge can order mediation at any stage of the proceedings on his own initiative or at the request of one of the parties. Courts are increasingly making use of this. The benefit of mediation is the confidential nature of the procedure, which benefits the reconciliation of the parties. The parties themselves work towards an acceptable solution for both parties. This significantly increases the prospect of future compliance with the agreement. We are pleased to assist you in the framework of a mediation proceeding. Studio Legale will assist you as lawyer of one of the parties in the context of a mediation. Currently three lawyers of our office are taking on a course to become a certified mediator.

  • preparation of a mediation interview (or negotiation);
  • assistance during the mediation interview;
  • monitoring the compliance with the mediation procedure;
  • the drawing up of a mediation-agreement.

It can be advisable to appoint an administrator when someone loses control over his/her actions. The administrator exercises a legal mandate, with the instructions to take care of the management of the goods of a protected person. It is of course of the utmost importance that this administrator executes his/ her duties with the necessary seriousness, reliability, humanity and independence. It is often advisable to appoint an independent administrator. Joost Peeters is an administrator and would be happy to handle this.

Are you already GDPR compliant?

Since 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation, better known as the „GDPR“, is in force. The GDPR imposes extensive transparency and security obligations. The current management and security of the processed personal data in your organisation must be mapped. Perhaps you will be surprised by the amount of data you have acquired over the years, such as personnel, payroll administration, customers, suppliers, camera surveillance, GPS tracking, use of badges and so on.

Joost PEETERS (lawyer and partner at STUDIO | LEGALE) and Simon GEENS (lawyer at STUDIO | LEGALE), followed an intensive GDPR course and are now, after passing the exam, as from 30 April 2018 and 23 September 2019 respectively holder of the certificate of „Data Protection Officer“ („DPO“), issued by the Data Protection Institute. They guide entrepreneurs to implement the GDPR as efficiently as possible in the company structure.

In order to meet the transparency obligations, records of processing activities, processing agreements, policies and confidentiality agreements have to be drawn up, among other things. You can always count on us for this.

The data must also be protected in practice. In order to optimally integrate the legislation in the company, STUDIO | LEGALE works together with STUDIO | SECURO who will screen the security of the company and display the risks of data leaks in a clear report.

Do you wonder to what extent you are compliant with the GDPR? We are always at your disposal for a first introductory meeting, during which we will briefly explain the core principles of the legislation and the consequences of the GDPR for your company.

From BVBA to BV

Does your company framework change?

By law of March 23th 2019 consindering the implemention of the new Code of Companies and associations (“WVV”) the “Besloten Vennootschap”, i.e. the “BV” was introduced in Belgian company law. This new company format provides enormous flexibility and offers a range of modalities in terms of management, voting rights and transfer of shares. Founders can fully adapt the articles of association of the BV to the needs of the company and its shareholders. The law provides for a transitory regime consisting of three dates: 01.05.2019, 01.01.2020 and 01.01.2024. 

  • As from 01.05.2019, new companies have to be founded in accordance with the new company law. Existing companies can also opt-in to the new company law.
  • As from 01.01.2020, the mandatory provisions of the WVV will apply for all old company forms. The old companies must fully comply with the WVV at the time of the first amendment of the articles of association. 
  • By 01.01.2024 at the latest, all old companies must have adapted the articles of association to the WVV.

Although you only have to adapt your articles of association at the first amendment of the articles of association or at the latest on 01.01.2024, it is nevertheless advisable to do so as soon as possible. The provisions of the articles of association that are in conflict with mandatory provisions of the WVV are deemed to be non-written. Furthermore, the new WVV offers the freedom to form your company in the flexible BV entirely according to your needs. Now is the time to review and evaluate your company’s articles of association.

10 reasons* to work with STUDIO | LEGALE
Doorgedreven kennis en kwaliteitsborging

STUDIO | LEGALE staat tal van bedrijven en particulieren bij in allerlei domeinen van het recht.

Bij STUDIO | LEGALE is er een zeer interessante kruisbestuiving tussen de verschillende rechtstakken dewelke zeker ook voor u interessant kan zijn.

Wij hebben zeer specifieke en interessante competenties, zoals niet-limitatief: (internationaal) strafrecht, bijzonder strafrecht, faillissementsrecht, gerechtelijke reorganisatie, bewindvoering, handelsen economisch recht, aansprakelijkheidsrecht, bouwrecht, huurrecht…

Met dit multidisciplinair team kunnen wij u op gedegen wijze juridisch bijstaan.

Het team!

STUDIO | LEGALE investeert in haar mensen.

De advocaten van STUDIO | LEGALE zijn zeer gedreven advocaten.

Persoonlijke aanpak

Wij kunnen u garanderen dat elk dossier dat bij ons wordt binnen gebracht persoonlijk door één van onze advocaten zal worden gepleit!

Er zullen telkens 2 mensen worden toegewezen aan uw dossier zodat u altijd een contactpersoon kan bereiken.

Er kijken dus steeds 4 ogen naar elk document (zgn. 4-eyes review).


The office is open continuously and can be reached by phone from 8:00 – 19:00.

STUDIO | LEGALE works 100% digital with the BASENET CRM system (e-mails, files and diaries can be consulted at a glance both in the office and out of the office via the BASENET mobile application), as well as 100% GDPR-proof and secure. Joost PEETERS is also DPO (GDPR) himself.

We aim to be a hypermodern office, but also a very traditional one. This ensures that “the best of both worlds” is brought together.

We offer something for everyone, tailored to the needs of the clients. Our aim is to solve everything as quickly and efficiently as possible, whereby the wishes of our clients are of paramount importance.


STUDIO | LEGALE onderschrijft de volgende kernwaarden: dichtbij, ondernemend, pragmatisch en eenvoudig.

Wij zijn fier op ons nieuw kantoor (in gebruik sinds 15/07/2019) gelegen op de Haantjeslei 69/A, 2018 ANTWERPEN.

Ook in Brussel (Avenue Arianelaan 31, 1200 BRUSSEL) hebben wij een eigen kantoor waar we cliënten kunnen ontvangen.

*non-exhaustive list, there are (even) more
10 reasons* to work with STUDIO | LEGALE
Permanente bijscholing

De recente tsunami aan nieuwe wetten verplicht ons sowieso om ons permanent bij te scholen.

Daarbovenop maken wij graag updates over allerhande topics en verdiepen wij ons steeds in allerlei aspecten van het recht.

U kan onze bijdragen lezen op onze website (www.studio-legale.be), via LinkedIn of via Facebook Daarnaast zijn wij trotse auteurs op JUBEL (www.jubel.be).

Wij geven ook graag interne en externe opleidingen en webinars.

Snelle reactietermijnen, geen slapende dossiers

Doordat we compleet digitaal (zie boven punt 4), jong en gedreven zijn, proberen wij zeer snelle reactietijden te respecteren.

Er zijn geen slapende dossiers en alles wordt zo spoedig mogelijk en zo efficiënt mogelijk aangepakt.

Efficiënte communicatie

U geeft aan hoe u wil communiceren.

Wenst u alles per mail, dan kan dit. Wenst u een persoonlijk onderhoud en daarna alles per post, dan kan dit.

Wij noteren deze afspraken en communiceren volgens uw wensen.

Minnelijke en praktische oplossingen

STUDIO | LEGALE beoogt een zo efficiënt mogelijk resultaat. Soms is een goede overeenkomst beter dan een slecht proces. STUDIO | LEGALE telt 3 advocaten die de opleiding bemiddeling in burgelijke en handelszaken en sociale zaken hebben gevolgd. Joost PEETERS is collaboratief advocaat.

Wij trachten steeds minnelijk op te lossen. Lukt dit niet, dan trachten wij een zo goed mogelijk resultaat in de Rechtbank af te dwingen.

Steeds houden wij uw belangen en het concrete, beste en snelste te bereiken resultaat voor ogen.

*non-exhaustive list, there are (even) more
10 reasons* to work with STUDIO | LEGALE
Internationaal netwerk

De service van STUDIO | LEGALE eindigt niet aan de landsgrens.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
— Anton Chekhov —
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